Science and Spirituality : Two Aspects of a Single Reality

Science and Spirituality : Two Aspects of a Single Reality

Rector, Rajghat Education Centre, Krishnamurti Foundation India, Varanasi 221001, India The scientific quest and the spiritual quest have been the two great quests of humanity but somehow a feeling has developed that science is antagonistic to spirituality. We should examine whether this is really so or it is because we give to science and spirituality rather narrow meanings. The scientific…

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The Holistic Perception of Reality

The Holistic Perception of Reality

Rector, Rajghat Education Centre, Krishnamurti Foundation India, Varanasi 221001, India In earlier times it was possible to find a single individual who was a philosopher, an astronomer, a physicist, a mathematician, a biologist and an artist all at the same time. There have been several great thinkers proficient and knowledgeable in more than one field of human endeavour. Slowly, as…

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Do Indian Myths have a scientific basis?

Do Indian Myths have a scientific basis?

Introduction  According to the dictionary the word ‘myth’ includes several things:  i) Completely fictional stories conjured up by a writer’s imagination. These can obviously have no scientific basis. ii) Stories about supernatural beings usually based on religious beliefs, often referred to as ‘mythology’. These are subjective and vary from culture to culture; therefore they are not universal truths and cannot…

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